Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Homemade CupCake!!!!
Hari nie tersangat larh rajen sebenarnyer
dan secare sengajer nyer telah membuat cupcake with my beloved mummy.hihi
nie larh dier hasilnyer
chumeyl ta...hahaahh sorry mane nampak kan
Blueberry flavoured,selame 30 minit jer aq wat bende neyh aq dapat wat
sebanyak 26 Cupcakes....
banyak tuh...tatau lar sape nak makan kung hehhehe
![]() |
kegembiraan!!! |
Senang jer buatnyerh nak tahu:
- Sediakan cupcake powder
- 120ml air
- 120ml minyak kelapa sawit (ala minyak yang biase kita guna untuk masak tuh lar)
- 4 biji telur
- Panaskan ketuhar padasuhu 180`C selama 15 minit
- Campurkan kesemua bahan dengan menggunakan mesin pemukul kelajuan sederhana selama satu minit
Kalau na rase sedap lagi!!!!tambahkanlar sekaly perasa cam blueberry pie mix ker...
Sume bahan2nyer korang ley dapt kat kedai kek,konferm der jual hahah...
TENGS MUMMY!!!!!!!muah
TENGS MUMMY!!!!!!!muah
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Contest Mata Bulat
klik bawah ney kalau nak join!!!
Sebelum tue jangan salah faham ea ini bukan gambar saye.
Tapi nie gambar cik.deeba nur,cik.penganjur yang chumeyl.
Sekali lagi aq telah join contest kt blog neyh.
Ahah,dalam bosan2 neyh aq men bukak blog2 kengkawan.
Tibe2 ternampak lax contest neyh.
CONTEST MATA BULAT pown der,hihii
kreatif browl dorang yg wat cntest2 neyh.hihi
sekarang tibe masenye aq mskkan pic aq plak hihihi.
asyik gelak jer tak tentu pasal aq pown tatau kenaper.
ok,ini saje gambar saye.nak letak bebanyak tatau lax letak maner ahah.
nak join!!!
join cepat lar ea
tarikh tutup:13.3.2011
Kawan yang saya tag:
Pencarian Blog Paling Hensem Dan Cantik 2011
Aku pown tatau naper aq join contest neyh.Aq lak tak penah join contest2 neyh.
Lagi2 baru lg lam blogging neyh.
Cam menarik jer contest neyh,hihihi....
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Meow Meow Closet
Sesape yang minat sangat dengan korean style,bolehlarh shop online kat Meow Meow Closet neyh.Macam-macam ada,semuanya chumeyl-chumeyl mesti korang suker sangat sampai tak tahu nak pilih.Bukan ney aje yg ade,banyak lagi.
Cute-cte betowl amoi2 neyh.Aku terjumpe laman neyh pown sebab tertarik dengan AHMOI CHANTEK neyh.HEHEHE.Anyway pasti korang tak sabar nak memiliki kesemua design yang ade.
Kalau korang nak shop online kt Meow Meow Closet bolehlarh pegi ke laman neyh
Facebook: Meow Meow Closet
Putus Cinta
so sweet...i wonder if my BF would said like this to me.
Ramai kaum hawa diluar sana sedang dibanjiri dengan air mata akibat ditinggalkan kekasih.Jangan begitu wahai para gadis yang rupawan.Air matamu bak mutiara yg tidak ternilai harganya.Tiada gunanya engkau menangisi pemergian seseorang yang bernama LELAKI.Zaman sekarang ramai wanita dah berjaya dalam hidup mereka dan tidak bergantung pada lelaki semata-mata.
Baru-baru ney aq dapat msg dari salah seorang kawan rapat aq.Die mngadu kt aq yg dier tgh kecewe sangat2 sampai ta sanggup nak hidowp lagi,rela matie dari hidop terseksa macam tu.Jangan....tak baik ckp mcm tue,jgn lar dsbbkan dtgglkan bf ko nak bunuh diri lak,tak dek gunenyer sayang....Bek ko bnyakkan beribadat jgn tggl solat,sentiase dtngkan hati ko tuh.Buang mase ko mngs sbb lelaki yg hnye tau memainkan perasaan perempuan jer.
Aq pown tak faham lar kenape dengan sesetengah kaum Adam neyh.Ade yg muke nmpk baek,boleh diharap,tp hampeh.Muke nampak baek,memeng baek pown tp,ta rety hormat orang (suke menggunakan ayat2 yg kesat).Muke nampak jahat,tp hati der TAMAN.Muke nampak jahat,romantic,tp jahat lax.HAish cm ner tuh.Takan kite nak yg romantic jer.Mestilar kite nak yg baek,hormat org tue n hormat kite,sopan santun,memahami n semua yg terbaek larh.Tapi bukan mudah nak dapat yg sesempurna tue. NOBODY PERFECT IN THIS WORLD right????
Aq ney,bukan jer takat na coretkan kisah peribadi jer kat laman neyh,tp suke membantu jugak.Yang tak kenal ker aq tak kesah.Then kalau korang pown der masalah dalam hal neyh blh lar brkngsi dngn aq.Bukannye nak jage tepi kain orang,takkan lar kite nak pendam masalah tue sorang diri lau ta dapat nk luahkan dgn org yg terdekat!!!!Tak salah kan.Hal2 yg laen2 pown buleyh dbncgkan juge...
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Saye Sukew Sama Dia
luahan hati:
Dah lame jd peminat setia dier.Tp bru skung trngt lik pas bbrpe thn berpisah
(ceyh ayat tak bleh blarh)
Jadi,aq pown contact dier balik di ( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ )
Sukew sngt bile dier reply,comment,_ _ _ _ nan dier,hehehe
(cam gatai lar pulok bunyinyerh ahah)
tp....dier bru jer ckp yg...die...huwm...tak pek lah...jd peminat dier smpy bebile pown tak per deyh
saye tak kesah,asalkan dapat contact agy..heheh
Saturday, February 19, 2011
kamera Zaman Nenek Moyang
Aq tatau naper aq letak gmbar neyh..
kelakar pown ade gax bile aq tgk gmbr ney
aq pown dah ta igt thn bile last aq gune kamera nie
time tuh aq kecik agih..
Tapi,kamera neyh ta penah bawak masalah pown.sentiase bersiap sedia untuk berkhidmat kepade tuannyer.haha
tak sangker parents aq simpan lg dier neyh...skung dh jd barang antik pown...
papepown,time kasih kepade encek.kamera kerana telah berkhidmat bertahun lamenyer kepada keluarge encek.alim..hohoh
sebenarnye tak derk keje tue yang tak pasal2 ceritekan tentang kamera neyh,saje na penohkan blog ney..ngee :p..
Friday, February 18, 2011
demam,batuk,seseme,sakit kepale
minggu nie merupak sick month
tak tau bila chek mao sihat tau!!!!
chek da lama sakit neyh....
tak sapa peduli kea check,sedih check klau ginih...
chek asyik melantak panadol jerh minggu neyh.
tue jer chek nak gtau kat hang-pa,lgpown chek dah lama ta update blog chek neyh.
(haish,tetibe lark cakap bhse kedah neyh)
baru-baru nie i`ve got one call from sumone that i dont know.lebeyh kurang kul 3.20 a.m..disebabkan fon aq bising tahap dewa aq pown jawab lar,ta smpt na beri salam pe bende luh tros terkam aq tnyer wat pe,npe ta tdow lg neyh,sihat ta?gnggu ke ta?aq pown jawab lar soklan2 dier ad yg wat aq tkowt nyerh,sore dier bukan cm sore manusie!!!plik ngat bunyinyer,na ckp cm skt tekak x!na ckp buat2 x!eish!!!isao aq da lar kol pepagi bute,dari mane dtg ta psl2 call mlz na pikir bukan2,aq pown tidow.then,the next morning,aq check blik num yg call aq mlm uh ta derk.haih!!!biar toel neyh,mustahil ta dok.takan HANTU kowt.ta mungkin larh.
lau korang pown dapat caller cm tuh!!!!
pe yg korang akan buat???
soooo misterious.
until today org tuh ta cntct2 aq dah...
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Kembang Perawan by Gita Gutawa
Ketika surya menampakkan cahayanya
Ku gapai hari terangku
Menanti sebuah cerita
Yang pasti akan terjadi di diriku
Kini ku mulai mengerti artinya cinta
Walau senda tawa
Namun hatiku mulai merasa
Bila dekat lelaki aku pun malu…
Akulah kembang perawan
Ingin mulai merasa
Perasaan yang pasti
Milik semua insan
Aku mulai jatuh cinta
Papa biarlah aku
Menikmati semua anugerah
Di hidupku…
More lyrics:
aq sebenarnyer smpy skung ta fhm mksd lirik lagu neyh.bleyh tak korang tolong translate kan mksd nyerh!!!
Justin Bieber Age 51 Not 16 Real Story
haish cer korang tgk video neyh.ader yg ckp JUSTIN BIEBER neyh dihantar oleh sau kumpulan yg nak menyesatkan umat islam melalui lgu2 dorang ubahkan dier neyh jd cm dak kecik yg dikenali sekarang.padahal dier neyh sbnrnyer org tue yg brumur 51 it real?aq ta percaye lngsung.korang bleyh fikir sendiri lar.mcm2 yg blh kter is just a FAKE
aq ajak kazen aq tengok citer neyh tp dorang ta nak,REASON(takowtlar lar tengok muker hantu tuh!!!)ta paham aq budak2 neyh aq ske sbb bg aq MEREKE SANGAT CHUMYEL huhu..
Yang ney pown aq sker gax citer dier romantis + sadis...ia menceritakan tentang seorang llki yg ingin melamar seorang gadis.keesokan mlmnyerh llki neyh msk dalam hutan untuk berlatih melamar gadis tuh.dier pown mnarungkan cincin pada sebatang ranting kayu yg juger merupakan rangka jari seorang perempuan yg mati dibunuh di hari perkahwinannyer and....
hahah...tengok sendiri larh...baru puas hati...hoho..
whut is PESAWAT?need a translations -here-
Ramai yang tanye aq dalam FACEBOOK (ape itu PESAWAT???)
soooooo i think they need a translations here.
PESAWAT sebenarnyer adalah name of the band
Pesawat was born in the hangar of Ampang after occasional just-for-fun jamming session of four boys from Klang Valley. In 2005, they decided to take music seriously and started to write their own material that is different from the rest. Influenced very much by the bands from the UK, namely Editors, We Are Scientists, Dirty Pretty Things, Keane and Pigeon Detectives, Pesawat's music can be summed up as Indie Garage Rock with Malaysian flavor. Their music comes both in English and Malay.
The band went on hiatus in 2006 due to other commitments and back in the hangar in the end 2007 to write new songs with a new direction with more flavor. Pesawat was slotted to play at KLUE Urbanscapes 2008 as one of the voter's choice alongside with Komplot, The Otherside Orchestra and Auburn. The event was touted as the biggest art+music festival in Malaysia was held at KL Performing Arts Center.
The band was reviewed in the MalayMail(Malaysia’s top English tabloid) as the discovery of 2008. Due to that, Pesawat has achieved tremendous publicity and has become one of Malaysian band to be given attention. Other notable shows that they have played includes Converse Century Project in Queensbay Mall Penang, Crossborders at Laundry, KLUE Urbanscapes 2008 at KLPAC, EURO FINAL Indie Jam at Cyberjaya, Indie Youth Fest 2008 in conjuction with Electronic Sports World Cup 2008, XFreshFM X-Gig at Zouk KL, Moonshine and FlyFM Campurtchart Goes Live at Laundry. They have been getting rave reviews due to their energetic live shows.
Their first single entitled “Mirage” is due to release middle October 2008 and has already got an airplay in local radio station XFM. EraFM and FlyFM. The demo version of Mirage was featured in Junk Magazine Online Compilation and Voize - Possibly the best compilation ever! CD. Currently they are working on a yet-to-be-titled full length album with a second single to be out in November.
The band went on hiatus in 2006 due to other commitments and back in the hangar in the end 2007 to write new songs with a new direction with more flavor. Pesawat was slotted to play at KLUE Urbanscapes 2008 as one of the voter's choice alongside with Komplot, The Otherside Orchestra and Auburn. The event was touted as the biggest art+music festival in Malaysia was held at KL Performing Arts Center.
The band was reviewed in the MalayMail(Malaysia’s top English tabloid) as the discovery of 2008. Due to that, Pesawat has achieved tremendous publicity and has become one of Malaysian band to be given attention. Other notable shows that they have played includes Converse Century Project in Queensbay Mall Penang, Crossborders at Laundry, KLUE Urbanscapes 2008 at KLPAC, EURO FINAL Indie Jam at Cyberjaya, Indie Youth Fest 2008 in conjuction with Electronic Sports World Cup 2008, XFreshFM X-Gig at Zouk KL, Moonshine and FlyFM Campurtchart Goes Live at Laundry. They have been getting rave reviews due to their energetic live shows.
Their first single entitled “Mirage” is due to release middle October 2008 and has already got an airplay in local radio station XFM. EraFM and FlyFM. The demo version of Mirage was featured in Junk Magazine Online Compilation and Voize - Possibly the best compilation ever! CD. Currently they are working on a yet-to-be-titled full length album with a second single to be out in November.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Nikon D7000 da jatuh cinte towl lar nan dier neyh...ta sabar nak dapatkan kaw NIKON D7000...haha....wait 4 me dar...muah-muah-muah
This nyte
homesick!!!!!!flue lar plak!!!!haish ta ske btoi2 arh.sekse ginieh..bile anda mau pergi cik.flue????sakit kepale lagih...mood:sakit-sakit.....letih giler lorh tghri lar majlis Pertunangan orang kan....mood:happy....ta hilang lagih...ahah..yg penting tomorrow na kene hantar my sister blik campus.Bowsan dowh sorang2...ta paham aquwh...ok lar thats all 4 this night.muAh....
Kak.Pu`s Engagement
alamak muker blurr lar plak....
famly yg sgt ceria:)
dan lagi.....
ahhah....the happiest day.... ta bape mnt amik gmbr ttbe cm cerie jer suasane neyh.ahahh...kak.pu`s engagement(muah).excited giler kowt...1st time tgk....kak.pu`s u r soooo BEAUTIFUL..huhu...ney je lar yg aq pt tls kt dlm blog aq untuk mlm neyh..'IM SOOOOO TIRED ALREADY'BYE-BYE:)
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